Jumat, 30 November 2007

Offering consulting

I offered consulting services over a year ago and it was quite successful. Unfortuntely, and to be honest, I let a few bitter agents get to me who thought it was horribly unethical for me to charge for help and information. That decision I feel is up to the person who's willing to pay.

This post is spawned by yet another new agent I just go off the with who said "I just too much help and can't waste that much of your time." This is a recurring theme from people who contact me. I'm simply charging $20/hr and there's no minimum.

I can offer and will always offer people free advice. But there's a difference between a 20 minute conversation and someone who really needs and wants help - especially on-going help.

A lot of people who contact me are embarrassed to "waste my time" and understand that I work for a living. I think a lot of agent never contact anyone at all. Under no circumstances should agents be "winging" this business. There are far too many traps and pitfalls unless you want the typical 1 year learning curve that costs you $30K in marketing and lost deals.

What I have to offer quite frankly is very valuable - especially for new agents. I can show you how to get the best contracts that fits your needs and basically go over A to Z of anything relating to health insurance.

Well - the pitch is here:


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