I am very impressed with the response to the new association. I'll talk more about it since I've received a lot of emails with some general themes.
Some people feel $19.95 per month or $200 one-time is cheap therefore they won't be getting much. Don't worry - that rate is for initial members. I want to build up membership and exceed expectations. I'm also going to be surveying members often and tweak it as I go along to make sure everyone is getting the maximum value.
Once it's fully launched and off the ground dues will be around $49.95 per month - which is where I put the value of membership. Even at that rate a one deal per year pays for it. GoToMeeting charges $50 a month and you get one benefit.
Where I think I pegged it is agents simply want a community environment. It increases motivation, solves boredom and increases production.
Agents want help "on demand" when they need it but also want to be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments. We will be featuring members who have achieved a goal and as we grow we'll actually be giving out small prizes and gifts to members who are doing well.
I cannot stress enough how important a community environment can be - even just with idea sharing.
What I'd like, and am creating is simple; all the fun benefits and fun involved with being the member of an outfit without any of the BS. And we all know the normal "WHAT ARE YOUR NUMBERS!" bs that we all hate.
Number don't matter - what matters is that you're maximizing and reaching your personal goals. Can you really do that alone in your home office? Possibly....but unlikely.
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