I closed the case from yesterday where she was on GR for $450 and needed maternity - she also complained about the $1,500 deductible - thought it was too high. So I put the wife on Blue Choice today for $277 - HMO with all copays and immediate maternity and her husband and child got Personal Comp for $153. So they didn't save much but she has maternity with and a no deductible plan. Assurant w/maternity was a no-go due to cost.
Got 12 leads yesterday and it only took 20 minutes to call 'em. Got one great prospect out of it - owner of a small car dealer. The owner wants quotes and also quotes for three employees. They currently offer nothing and the owner canceled his Blue Cross plan last year when it hit $700 a month. Perfectly healthy family. Please note that out of 12 leads called that was my only possibility. A lot of my day was spent on a referral - closing her tomorrow for GR.
30 leads today between Jenn and Lisa! Lisa's finally up and running and gave me 5 1/2 hours of work today. Wow - never in my short 4 years in this biz have I never had consistent leads like this. The result is night and day - I'm am simply getting slammed all day.
It does not take a lot of deals to make money. At an average commish of $800 (cut that in half if you're dealing with singles on internet leads) all I need is 4 deals a week and that's a lot of money.
My goal is what I just got today - 30 leads a day and plan on closing 1 out of 30. Why such a bad percentage? At 30 leads a day I simply won't have time to be on the phone hours a day hunting people down. I'll deal with the people who answer, call the others back one more time then I have to let Constant Contact take care of 'em.
My cost per lead is $4.60. At 30 leads a day, closing 1 out of 30 here it is:
150 leads per week X 4.60 = $690 5 deals per week X $3,500 AV per deal = $17,500 20% average commish = $3,500 Net = $2,810
If I can make $146,000 a year simply by spending 1 out hour each day calling 30 leads I'm all over it. I'm not factoring in cross-selling Fidelity.
Now...remember that math above because I didn't factor in a HUGE change - which is now that Lisa's up and running I'll be having her use Gary's CRM system for telemarketing which will TRIPLE her lead output!
Now - when that happens I have a master plan. If I have Lisa and Jenn using the marketing CRM and getting me 50+ leads a day I'll hire someone to "scrub" the leads. She'd spend the day calling all the leads and separating the interesting from the disinterested. She'd also handle all the emailing.
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