Had my meeting this morning and sold an Assurant HSA. This was one of those cases where if I didn't drive out there I would have lost the deal. At bare minimum a HSA sale would have been a nightmare over the phone. We got a pad and pen and did a lot of math for about 15 minutes before he realized that a HSA was the best way to go. I also had to do a line-by-line comparison with his Kaiser plan.
He's now saving over $300 a month in premium, doesn't have to mess with riders and all meds are covered and count towards the deductible.
Another benefit with meeting clients is building a relationship. We really hit it off well and ended up just shooting the shit for a half hour or so. Now he's referred me to his sister who also owns a business, invited my family to his restaurant for free dinner and while there wants me to talk to two managers who both don't have any coverage. You just can't build that same type of relationship with people over the phone. I'm now saying everything will be in-person. You simply need to use common sense.
Also got out another 200 flyers residential today so all in all it was a great day. $1,500 in commission so far this week by Tuesday which isn't too shabby. My marketers are toast so everything this week has been almost zero cost.
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